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Transformative Art Making

Creative Wellness program

Creative Healing

 A Sensory Appraoch to Healing Trauma

Join Cari and L for a sensory journey centered around creative play.

 Using song, sound, art, movement and meditation, find a safe container for self-expression and techniques to release trauma stuck within the body.


Ancestral Healing

Ancestral Healing Through
Art + Sound + Ceremony

A 6 week deeply transformative journey to heal unhealthy intergenerational patterns by tapping into ancestral dynamics through visual journaling, sound healing and ceremony.

Watercolor Flow


Releasing Anxiety and Stress with Watercolor

An online watercolor painting workshop guiding you step by step to achieving a state of flow while creating a multi layered, abstract painting inspired by nature. Using techniques to enhance your creative practice and give you a sense of deep relaxation during the process.

Zen in Ten

Zen In Ten

10 Day Challenge

Join me for a 10 day challenge to relieve stress and calm the mind through meditative art.


Introducing my signature Zen In Ten Art process. I will demonstrate 10 of my favorite meditative art making strategies that take 10 minutes or less to do that will help you reduce stress and calm your mind!

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